Introducing Acorn:

A simple application deployment framework built on Kubernetes

-One artifact across dev, test, and production

-Simple CLI and powerful API

-Secure by design

-Open source

containers: {
  nginx: {
    image: "nginx"
    ports: publish: "80/http"
    files: {
      "/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html": "<h1>Hi mom!</h1>"

> acorn build

> acorn push

> acorn run

What is Acorn? 

Acorn is a containerized
application packaging framework
 that simplifies deployment on Kubernetes

  • Developers write Acornfiles to define how to build and run an application.

  • Acorn images are built from the Acornfile and then pushed to any OCI-compatible registry.

  • An Acorn image contains one or more Docker images, configuration files, and deployment specifications.

  • Acorn images can run on any Kubernetes cluster.

  • All of this can be utilized through a simple CLI modeled after Docker.

Introducing Acorn

Why Acorn?

Kubernetes has provided an incredibly powerful engine for running containers, however, the level of complexity it introduces can be daunting for many teams, often creating disconnects between development and operations.

Acorn simplifies app deployment on Kubernetes by introducing a standardized application artifact that runs consistently across dev, test, and production environments. 

Having a consistent artifact simplifies Kubernetes operations, and improves application security and reliability.  


How Acorn Works

Select any target
Kubernetes cluster

Download and Install Acorn

brew install acorn-io/cli/acorn
acorn init

Create an Acornfile
for the application

echo 'containers: {
  nginx: {
    image: "nginx"
    ports: publish: "80/http"
    files: {
      "/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html": "<h1>My first Acorn!</h1>"
}' >Acornfile

Build and push the Acorn image

acorn build -t . 
acorn push

Deploy the Acorn image to Kubernetes

acorn run --name my-app
acorn apps my-app 

acorn ps
my-app 1       1          1m ago OK